Bear Put Spread Strategy

Bear Put Spread

Bear Put Spread concept explanation

If the prices of houses in a particular area have risen a lot in the past month and you think that they will fall in the current month you can utilize a bear put spread.

Bear Put Strategy helps in this market

Technical explanation, we will simplify it right after this:

A bear put spread is a type of options strategy where an investor or trader expects a moderate decline in the price ofa security or asset. A bear put spread is achieved by purchasing put options while also selling the same number of puts on the same asset with the same expiration date at a lower strike price.

The maximum profit using this strategy is equal to the difference between the two strike prices, minus the net cost of the options.

Source: Investopedia

Understandable explanation:

  • We expect the house prices in an area to go down.
  • The house prices are printed in the newspaper.
  • An insurance company is offering insurance on the house price even if you don’t own it. Read about Insurance(Put option)
  • Since we expect the price to go down we can pay a insurance premium to the company and get insurance for the house price going down.
  • We pay the premium and now if prices go down the insurance company will pay us.

Let us make some assumptions:

  • Current price of the house: 1,000
  • Insured amount: 900
  • Premium for insurance: 10paid by you to the company.

The house owner also wants to get insurance for an insured sum of 800, you decide to offer them this insurance.

House owner insurance:

  • Insured amount: 800
  • Premium for insurance: 5(paid to you by the house owner.)

The validity of these insurances has to be the same. Let us assume 30 days.

We have now setup a Bear Put spread.

What happens at the end of the month:
(i.e. the 30 days when insurance for both you and the house owner runs out)

Case 1
House Price
(Share Price)
Our Insured Price Premium Paid
(by us)
House Owner Insured Price Premium Received
(by us)
1,000 900 10 800 5 -5
Price of house at the end of the month If price goes below this price the

Insurance company will pay us the difference.

Insurance premium paid by us to Insurance company If price goes below this price

we have to pay the house owner the difference.

Insurance premium received by us. The insurance premium is kept by the insurance company. It will be considered a loss.

We keep the insurance premium from house owner.

Premium Received – Premium Paid = 5 – 10 = -5

This will remain true for all cases where the price is above 900.

Stable market situation in bear put spread explained above.

Case 2: Price goes below 900 but stays above 800, let us assume 850.
House Price
(Share Price)
Our Insured Price Premium Paid
(by us)
House Owner Insured Price Premium Received
(by us)
850 900 10 800 5 +45
Price of house at the end of the month If price goes below this price the

Insurance company will pay us the difference.

Insurance premium paid by us to Insurance company If price goes below this price

we have to pay the house owner the difference.

Insurance premium received by us. Price is below our insured price, Insurance company pays us:

Insured Price – Month End Price = 900 – 850 = +50

Price is above house owner insurance price, we keep the insurance premium from house owner: +5

Total Profit = Premium Received – Premium Paid + Payout from Insurance Company

5 – 10 + 50 = +45

The method will remain true for all cases where the price is between 800 to 899.

Case 3: Price is 500
House Price
(Share Price)
Our Insured Price Premium Paid
(by us)
House Owner Insured Price Premium Received
(by us)
500 900 10 800 5 +95
Price of house at the end of the month If price goes below this price the

Insurance company will pay us the difference.

Insurance premium paid by us to Insurance company If price goes below this price

we have to pay the house owner the difference.

Insurance premium received by us. Price is below our insured price, Insurance company pays us:

Insured Price – Month End Price = 900 – 850 = +50

Price is below house owner insurance price, we have to pay the house owner:

House Owner Insured Price – Month End Price = 800 – 500 = 300

Total Profit = Premium Received – Premium Paid + Payout from Insurance Company – Payout to House owner

5 – 10 + 400 – 300 = +95

Our maximum profit is: +95, all prices below 800 will give us this.

You can now see why it is less risky to take a Bear Put spread when you think any asset(house, shares) prices will fall.

The above scenario is only for demonstration, the changes of finding such a high risk reward ratio are extremely low.

Insuring your stocks is a good practice. Concept explanation click here

What are futures and options? Concept explanation click here

Covered Calls explanation using a house. Concept explanation click here

All information here is for educational/research purposes only, we do not recommend trading.

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